Phil Bronstein

Phil Bronstein began his writing career as a teenager, penning film reviews. He went on to become executive vice president and editor-at-large of the San Francisco Chronicle and the Hearst Corporation. He also sits on the board of the Center for Investigative Reporting. Read more about Bronstein below.

Q. What do you wake up to?
A. My kids.

Q. What music have you listened to today?
A. Alison Krauss.

Q. What’s your favorite word?
A. Redemption.

Q. What do you find beautiful?
A. My wife.

Q. How would you describe yourself in five words or fewer?
A. Generally trustworthy.

Q. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A. An astronomer, then a writer.

Q. What is your favorite cocktail?
A. Jack on the rocks.

Q. What is your greatest extravagance?
A. Playing the guitar.

Q. If you could take only one more journey, where would you go?
A. Southeast Asia.

Q. What profession would you like to practice in your next life?
A. One that has a future.

Q. What is your favorite holiday and why?
A. Halloween. Not only do my kids get to dress up and I get the adult versions of their costumes, but seeing your three-year-old find out that people actually give you candy when you go their houses is one of the wonders of the world.

Q. What is your fondest childhood memory?
A. Nature.

Q. What promise do you make to yourself that you break the most often?
A. To be reasonable.

Q. Who is the one person living or dead that you’d most love to have a beer with?
A. My wife.

To read about Bronstein’s panel, on the future of newspapers, click here.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.