No Possessions, No Guilt

Filmmaker Larry Adelman Takes Questions in the Green Room

Larry Adelman is co-director and head of production for the documentary production company California Newsreel. He is the creator and executive producer of Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?, a four-hour documentary miniseries about health disparities, which won a duPont-Columbia Award. Before participating on a panel about solving health inequalities, he took questions in our Green Room.

Q. If you had another profession in another life, what would it be?
A. Physicist. Quantum physics. In fact, I still wish I had gone into physics.

Q. What time do you start working on an average day?
A. 9 a.m.

Q. What do you eat for breakfast?
A. Nothing. Just coffee.

Q. How long do you go without checking your email?
A. Anywhere from 30 seconds to six hours.

Q. What is your guilty pleasure?
A. I am without guilt, particularly when it comes to pleasures.

Q. What is your most prized material possession?
A. That’s a tough one. I don’t have a lot of material possessions. I’m not even wearing my wedding ring.

Q. What was the last great book you read?
A. One by the Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz. I can’t remember the title. My mind is going.

Q. What would we find you doing at 10 a.m. on an average Saturday morning?
A. Reading the newspaper.

Q. How are you different than you were 10 years ago?
A. I’m more forgetful, I’m lazier, and I’m in worse shape.

Q. How do you procrastinate?
A. Oh, that’s easy. Any excuse to stop working I’ll take. It could be anything.

To read more about the panel in which Adelman participated, click here.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.