I’d Rather Be Napping

California Voter Foundation President Kim Alexander Takes Questions in the Green Room

Kim Alexander is president and founder of the California Voter Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to fixing the state’s election process. Before participating in a panel on the future of direct democracy in California, she talked movie-making, napping, and the sacrifices of the gluten-free in our green room.

Q. If you could go back and live in any other time period other time and place, where would you want to live?

A. I would want to be in the French Revolution because I think it must have been such an exciting time when the monarchy fell. And the storming of the Bastille.

Q. What’s your favorite thing about San Francisco?

A. The light. The fact that the city is surrounded by water on three sides makes it an incredibly beautiful place.

Q. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A. Probably from my Grandma Tybee. She would say to me, “Life is a confidence game, so if you’re going to choose something, you have to believe in it.”

Q. Assuming there is such as thing as reincarnation, what profession would you choose to pursue in your next life?

A. I think it’d be fun to be a filmmaker. It’s completely different from what I’m doing right now, and it’s creative.

Q. Who’s your childhood hero?

A. Probably my dad. He ran for city council in Culver City when I was seven. He was in public service his whole life.

Q. If you could have a beer with anyone in history, living or dead, who would it be?

A. It would have to be President Barack Obama, because he’s famous for having beers with people, right?

Q. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?

A. I’m gluten-free, so I would say it would be a really great mushroom pepperoni pizza and a Northern California IPA. If it’s my last meal, I’m going gluten. Oh, and also a red velvet cake. These are the things I’ve sacrificed.

Q. Describe yourself in five words or less.

A. Musician, swimmer, performer, gardener, occasional-song-writer.

Q. Ask yourself a question and then answer it.

A. Would you like to have a nap right now? Yes I would.

*Photo by Gene X. Hwang