Respecting Good Rivals

In the Green Room with the Center for the Future of Arizona’s Lattie Coor

Former Arizona State University president Lattie Coor is chairman and CEO of the Center for the Future of Arizona. Before participating in a panel in Tucson on whether Arizona’s history matters in the state today, he reveled in ASU’s rivalry with the University of Arizona in the green room and showed some love for kiwis, Tucson, and the ASU Chamber Orchestra.

Q. What keeps you up at night?

A. Wondering why more people don’t understand the opportunities we have in Arizona and commit themselves to doing something about it.

Q. What’s your favorite vegetable?

A. Kiwi-that’s a fruit though. Can I answer with a fruit?

Q. What figure from Arizona’s history do you identify with most?

A. Senator Carl Hayden. He understood right from the beginning that lifelong service to Arizona was the most important thing he could do. The only election he lost was when he ran for student body president at Stanford. He is a legend in every respect.

Q. What can’t you live without?

A. My wife, Elva. That’s not a politically correct answer either: that’s really true.

Q. What’s the best part about Arizona State’s rivalry with the University of Arizona?

A. The fact that it exists, and that people can do it in good spirit-and continue to do it year in and year out. I experienced it when I was an undergrad and have treasured being a part of it ever since.

Q. How are you different from who you were 10 years ago?

A. I have more patience with understanding the differences of opinion that are here. And less tolerance for not doing something about them.

Q. What’s the last live event or performance you saw?

A. Menahem Pressler conducing the ASU Chamber Orchestra. It was world-class-stunning.

Q. What don’t you miss about being a university president?

A. The 24/7 responsibilities.

Q. What do you like most about Tucson?

A. The people. They’ve kept the spirit of this community as well as any community I know. They know who they are, they love who they are, and they are committed to keeping that spirit alive even as they continue to grow.

Q. What is your favorite holiday?

A. Memorial Day. It signals the beginning of the summer, and it always has been for me the end of one year and the beginning of another.

*Photo by Kevin Brost.