Tidy-But Not Necessarily Clean

In the Green Room with Editor Julia Turner

Julia Turner is Slate’s deputy editor. Before participating in the Slate Culture Gabfest, she talked in the Zócalo green room about her faces-and-shoulders dancing style, her love-hate relationship with the show Smash, and how infrequently she walks to work.

Q. What’s the most memorable dessert you’ve eaten recently?

A. I had a really delicious ice cream cake at Parm restaurant in New York: the flavors were pistachio, strawberry, and sweet cream.

Q. What’s worth waiting in line for?

A. The only thing I wait in line for is this other restaurant in New York that’s related to Parm, Torrisi Italian Specialties.

Q. What do you love to hate?

A. The TV show Smash. I can’t stop watching it. I’m not sure I actually hate it, but it’s mesmerizingly tawdry.

Q. What language would you most like to learn?

A. Chinese or Russian. I started learning Chinese once so I’d like to finish, and Russian just sounds pretty.

Q. What’s on your nightstand right now?

A. I’ve been traveling for 10 days so my nightstand has been portable, but I’m reading the Steve Jobs biography.

Q. What television shows do you DVR or watch on demand?

A. So many. 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, The New Girl, Mad Men, The Killing

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

A. I don’t know if this is advice, but that 90 percent of life is showing up is a good watchword.

Q. What household chore will you do anything to avoid?

A. I like tidying more than cleaning.

Q. Describe your dancing style in three words or less.

A. Shoulders and faces.

Q. What promise to yourself do you break most often?

A. That I’ll walk to work.

*Photos by Aaron Salcido.