Soneto LXIV

Soneto LXIV | Zocalo Public Square • Arizona State University • Smithsonian

Illustration by Dianna Alvarez, artworxLA student artist.

Dos esqueletos en un solo cuerpo
Buscan acomodar sus huesos
Y todos los golpes que les ubican
Sus caderas que menean solas
Dos esqueletos en un solo cuerpo
Un esqueleto se pone a llorar
Y el otro le dice I love you
En el idioma de sus golpes
Dos esqueletos se ponen a llorar
Dicen Busquemos ese cuerpo
Tus huesos en este único mundo
Toquemos ese límite del dedo que señala
Donde la palabra se osifica
Y nos entendemos Huesos

Sonnet 64

Two skeletons in a single body
try to settle their bones
along with the way they were knocked into place
by their hips that sway on their own.
Two skeletons in a single body—
one skeleton sets to crying
and the other says te amo
in the language of the knocks it knows.
Two skeletons start to cry,
say Let’s look for that body,
for your bones in this the only world.
Let’s touch the tip of the finger that points
where the word ossifies
and we understand each other Bones

Camilo Roldán is a Colombian-American poet and translator. He is the author, most recently, of Dropout and in December translated María Paz Guerrero’s book God is a Bitch Too (Dios también es una perra).
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