Trudy Schafer Has Missed a Vote

California League of Women Voters Director of Program Takes Questions in the Green Room

Trudy Schafer is the League of Women Voters of California senior director for program. Before moderating a Zócalo panel on saving direct democracy, she took questions in our green room-admitting beforehand that she’d read up on our Q&As, and knew what she was up against.

Q. How would you describe yourself in five words or less?

A. Thoughtful, considerate, sometimes fun, sense of humor.

Q. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

A. Vanilla. [Laughs.]

Q. What worries you the most?

A. Whether California’s going in the right direction.

Q. How many pillows do you sleep on?

A. One, but it’s good for my neck.

Q. What’s your hidden talent?

A. I play the piano and the recorder.

Q. When did you learn how to ride a bicycle, and who taught you?

A. I’ve always known how to ride a bicycle-I don’t remember.

Q. Have you ever not voted in an election?

A. Once, when I was sick and out of town, and realized belatedly that I hadn’t asked for an absentee ballot.

Q. What do you do, if anything, in order to be “green”?

A. I recycle, I drive an efficient car, I try not to use much in the first place.

Q. What are you competitive at?

A. Exchange of ideas.

Q. How do you indulge yourself?

A. Sometimes a cup of tea, sometimes a bowl of ice cream.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.