Hear Me Roar

In the Green Room with Menifee Councilwoman Darcy Kuenzi

Darcy Kuenzi is a founder and councilwoman of the Riverside County city of Menifee. Before participating in a panel on whether splitting the state might solve California’s problems, she revealed in the green room that she’d love to be a lion-the king of the jungle.

Q. What’s your favorite piece of art?

A. “Mona Lisa”-I like paintings.

Q. What’s your most recent online purchase?

A. A political purchase, and I just got the invoice: a phone banking database.

Q. What’s the last dessert you loved?

A. I love chocolate, I love desserts, and the last one I had was probably-oh, it was a chocolate-filled cannoli at the Edward-Dean Museum Gala.

Q. Are you on Twitter?

A. I am, but I don’t tweet! I don’t know how Tweet! I do Facebook. I’m afraid that Twitter will distract me. All I’ll be doing is tweeting, and I won’t be paying attention to what you’re talking about.

Q. What embarrasses you?

A. Stupidity. People who say dumb things for no good reason. Sometimes I say dumb things for no good reason.

Q. What profession would you like to practice in your next life?

A. I want to be a singer.

Q. What are you reading right now?

A. California Crackup by [moderator] Joe Mathews and [panelist] Mark Paul.

Q. Where would you like to travel next?

A. Tahiti-it’s on my bucket list.

Q. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

A. I’d like to be a lion-king of the jungle.

Q. What do you do to clear your mind?

A. Meditate and pray.

Q. Who last left you a voicemail?

A. The president of the Menifee action group, Bob Duistermars.

*Photo by Sarah Rivera.