The Guitar Student Who Dabbles in Unicycle

In the Green Room with Psychologist Gary Marcus

Psychologist Gary Marcus is director of the New York University Center for Language and Music and the author of Guitar Zero: The New Musician and the Science of Learning. Before talking about what music does to our brains and how he learned to play guitar at age 40, he revealed in the green room that when he’s not trying to learn “Stairway to Heaven” he’s riding his unicycle (preferably in the snow).

Q. What’s your favorite taco filling?

A. Chicken and spinach.

Q. What teacher or professor, if any, changed your life?

A. The biggest was probably my second grade gifted and talented teacher, who tried to develop my curiosity in a lot of different ways, and saved me from going to special education. My handwriting was so bad they wanted to send me to special education, and he fought a noble battle to keep me on the path.

Q. How do you procrastinate?

A. I don’t anymore. I used to. I do play a lot of guitar, which is different from my day job, but it’s always in the spirit of learning.

Q. What song do you want to learn to play next?

A. “Stairway to Heaven.”

Q. What super power would you most want to have?

A. The ability to fly. I’d really like to be able to fly. I have dreams about it.

Q. What’s the last book you read?

A. It’s kind of embarrassing. It was actually Stephen King’s 11/22/63. It’s the only Stephen King I’ve actually ever read.

Q. What was your first word?

A. It was probably like “Mom” and “Dad.” Early on I said “appie” for apple juice.

Q. When did you last break a sweat?

A. I’m sweating right now.

Q. What’s your other hobby, besides music?

A. I’ve been into bike riding and unicycle. My biggest thrill is riding a unicycle in the snow.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.