The Would-Be Minister of War

In the Green Room with UCLA’s M. Rahim Shayegan

M. Rahim Shayegan is acting director of Iranian Studies at UCLA. Before participating in a panel on what a Persian Spring might mean for L.A., he explained in the green room why he’d like to be minister of war-it’s in the family, and he thinks military officers might benefit from some lessons in deliberative discourse.

Q. If you had a theme song, what would it be?

A. I have a favorite opera, but I don’t think it could define me-it’s just too good.

Q. What do you love to hate?

A. It’s almost infinite. [Laughs.] This question has no end.

Q. What is your favorite plant or flower?

A. There are two: I very much like orchids, and I also have a liking for very specific cacti. Not very thorny ones.

Q. What’s the best Persian restaurant in Los Angeles?

A. I would not say it is the best, but it is where I go most often, and that is Shaherzad in Westwood. I’ve been told that it’s not the best.

Q. What UCLA sporting events have you attended this year, if any?

A. None. … Oh, no! That’s not true: I recently witnessed my daughter running. She is part of a lab school they run, and they had a sports event at UCLA.

Q: What profession would you like to practice in your next life?

A. Minister of War. Most of my family background is officers, and it would have been good to bring some notions of deliberative discourse within the ranks of officers I guess.

Q: Do you have any pets?

A. I’m allergic, but I love dogs. I love them, but I cannot be in proximity to them.

Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

A. To shut my mouth-that’s in due time.

Q: What do you do to clear your mind?

A. I have no means to do that. If you could offer me some advice, I would be a very happy recipient. I was looking at a person this morning doing yoga, and I envied him because he looked so happy after 10 minutes.

Q: What’s your favorite Persian dish?

A. Would you know it if I told you? My favorite is the most basic of the stews, it is called ghormeh.

*Photo by Aaron Salcido.