Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

The Hawaii Representative Tries to Keep It Real in D.C.

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is a Democratic representative from Hawaii as well as a veteran of the Iraq War. Before delivering a keynote lecture on veterans and the meaning of service as part of a forum on how veterans are changing the nation, she explained in the Zócalo green room how to pronounce her name, how basic training prepares you for Congress, and what surprises her most about life in Washington.


What superpower would you most like to have?


Having control over time. There’s never enough of it.


What’s the most common way people mispronounce or misspell your name?


Well I’ll tell you the best way I get people to pronounce my name properly is to tell them it’s like Tulsa, Oklahoma. I get everything, inserted letters here and there, Tuls-a-lie. I get called more often than not Congresswoman Tulsi rather than more commonly referred to by my last name. People like it, or they think it’s easier than my last name.


What’s the last thing that inspired you?


Yesterday on the steps of the Capitol I had a chance to meet with a group of high school students from Hawaii participating in a program called We the People. They were just off of a redeye flight about nine hours long, hadn’t showered, hadn’t slept but had an incredible genuine excitement both to be there at the Capitol and to be experiencing the uniqueness and greatness of our democracy.


What’s your comfort food?


Indian food. Anything with paneer.


What item would you bid for on eBay?


I have bid on stuff on eBay. I don’t know; that’s a good question.


What surprises you most about life in Washington, D.C.?


That everything is completely centered around politics, and how necessary it is on a daily basis to maintain connection and touch with real people, going through real challenges in their real lives. Both people in Hawaii and people across the country.


What film have you seen the most times?


An HBO series called Band of Brothers. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen it.


What music do you like to dance to?


Anything with a good beat.


Did basic combat training do anything to prepare you for Congress?


Absolutely. Attention to detail. Focusing on the mission and what matters. And being disciplined to understand what your objective is and have a clear plan on how to get there.


Where have you been for work that you’d like to travel to for pleasure?


The Middle East.