
  • My Story

    by Leeladhar Jagoori, translated by Sarabjeet Garcha

    My story
    is the story
    of a hoe wearing thin
    of a factory becoming a ruin
    of a road falling out of repair

    my story
    is the story
    of stone
    turning …

  • Battleground

    by Gerrit Achterberg, translated by Thomas McGuire

    Listen to Thomas McGuire’s introduction and recitation of the poem in Dutch.


    The gloaming falls like ground.
    In Holland lopes a hound.
    A hound with yellow teeth.
    He roves throughout the …


    by Boris Khersonsky, Translated by Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky

    All animals were once human, but then
    they sinned—
    and God flooded our Earth
    and Noah smuggled all those former humans in pairs. Each of them
    was wicked, deceitful. And …

  • Postcard

    by Ananda Lima

    you speak to a mountain
    by becoming
    it your body in her
    language of minerals
    a whisper a humming
    bird’s fluttering wings
    since I became
    a mother nearly a decade

  • How We Teach Them

    by Melissa Dickey

    in a café I watch a boy
    maybe five years old

    hit his sister again and again
    till his mom gives him a phone

    on which to watch videos of boys
    shooting …

  • Wanda Vibing

    by Margaret Ray

    Wanda has moved beyond collisions and is looking
       for vibrations. The lab’s cat makes too much static,

    so they nudge him gently past the door.
       Wanda thinks about what cats are …

  • Nursing

    by Jessica Cuello

    The midwife kneeled beside me
    and when she stroked my thigh

    on the toilet seat I noticed the image
    of a baby tree, wavering in the deep-

    rust stain of the clawfoot …

  • To The First Speaker

    by Derek Mong

    You—who are kin to all clans;

    You—who called the rain       we’ve been drowning in for eons;

          did you flinch to find   a shard …

  • The House at Christmas

    by Maureen Boyle

    Its wide dark eyes–
    the picture windows of a 60s bungalow –
    reflect rooms in black lakes
    cold and mirrored as though slick
    with tears and ice.

    Early, before the day …

  • Blue Sky MRI

    by Julie Morrissy

    they leave me in a lino-cubicle
    another bargain blue basket
    for my bra and jeans
    I pace behind the curtain
    let the liquid settle

    the doctor tells me to …

  • On the Tallest Horse in the World

    By Stephen Sexton

    Mirrors are not occult with bedsheets,
    no communion of pipes and tobacco:

    there is nothing— farewell Big Jake, alas—
    nothing here approaching a wake.

    I thought of him over …

  • Losing ‘Great White Egret’

    by Moyra Donaldson

    My memory’s erratic and tonight
    I can’t locate your name – four syllables
    just out of sight, hiding amongst the reeds

    Bird out of place, you were a wonder.
    I watched …