
  • How to Write a Poem During a Pandemic

    by Adina Kopinsky

    If, in the middle
    of the night, words
    come; ignore
    let the sleeping children
    need you
    though waves 
    of light approach
    let the man with whom you …

  • Wedding Season

    by Meg Stout

    Froth of fabric against
    boning, structures
    of clasp & waist & layers
    of cake, tables set
    in silver. Cheekbones.
    Chair covers. Hush
    of an audience standing
    up: fabric, again. Clothed

  • a tree of crows can never sing a festive carol

    by Maria S. Picone

    “His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.”
    —Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


    we are wind, 바람. our number, 38.
    we are fire singeing
    hanging trees. we peck …

  • They Have Built a Home Over Ours

    by Sophia Chong

    The yard has been stripped, the hyacinths
    along with the rose bushes, petals heavy of dew,
    the basket of a child’s undershirt saddled with toys.
    Perhaps for the best—Maa mi …

  • in other news (2020)

    by Sophie Klahr

    someone ate a bat, they say—that’s how it happened
    photographs of empty rush hours     empty vegas empty beaches
    fake news of swans and dolphins in venice canals

  • Winter Hatchlings for the New Year

    after Norman Dubie

    by Ernesto L. Abeytia

    Like a Buddhist painting, winter
    caps the peaks of Sierra Escalona,
    its frosted strawberry trees mourning what’s to come.
    Acorn seedlings fleck the ground in soft contrast
    and high in …


    by Ross White

    I want & want & the moon
    keeps blazing
    orange in night sky.
    Coyotes keep baying
    to the gods who hide
    the rabbits.
    lemmings & town drunks,
    waterfalls keep …

  • The Fourth of You Lie

    by LeConté Dill

    And maybe the feds did supply the hood with fireworks
    And maybe the fireworks will scare the gentrifiers away
    And maybe the gentrifiers will leave the hood
    And maybe I’m …

  • Displaced Bird

    by Sean Cho A.

    With a grey sky and heavy clouds behind him,
    a weatherman holds a tennis ball
    up to his head This will be the size of the hail!

    Call the cat in.

  • Zara Wants to Learn English in Armenia

    by Shahé Mankerian

    Through our monitors, we stare at each other.
    The dim light cannot hide the moldy ceiling
    behind her. We start. Today we must learn

    to speak about the weather. “Are …

  • The full moon called-in after-hours

    by Jen Ryan Onken

    Wedged like a mint in the oiled airway of the world,
    the Ever Given waits for the moon to pry open
    its throat for water. I’ve slid into the couch, a lost