
  • The Lake Will Wait

    by Jill Mceldowney

    I know it scares you when I say I’m not afraid to die.

    Still, you go on listening,
    as birds plummet into the grass—fortune
    teller, pharmacist, archangel, swan—

    who taught me …

  • home will come when heaven slums will king her queen

    by Rashaad Thomas

    Mother woke
    before early, daily
    tired Black
    and white uni-
    form sore feet
    dish rag hands
    cooked mornings
    for her family
    powdered her cheeks
    with Aunt Jemima,
    and applied Mrs. …

  • Sleepless Night #33

    by Sarah J. Sloat

    “Sleepless Night #33” is one of a series of visual poems combining pages of a Dutch novella with collage. I wanted the poem found on each page to represent the …

  • retreat

    by Rukhsar Palla

    quick recoil as heatwave
    tries to coax me
    my bedroom, a sun-sluiced

    outside, maulvis
    and bootleggers
    cross paths
    crisp, orange sky
    waxy dawn
    rising behind clouds
    sister syncs the color

  • Garden Divination

    by Catherine-Esther Cowie

    A miracle, my aunts and mother chorus—
    Grandma’s up and about frying fish,
    singing old hymns.

    The last hurrah, Uncle whispers in my ear.
    We’re on the porch looking out at …

  • Song of Destruction / The Halation Effect

    by Erika Meitner

    the Tappan Zee of my childhood blown up today after
    an inclement weather delay—the wingspan of that bridge,

    its steel body carrying everyone always over the Hudson
    to the Jersey …

  • I Could See Horses

    by Kathleen McCracken

    My father’s voice
    was Utah copper, honeysuckle gold.
    Fine-tuned. Viola, not violin.

    A radio voice. First pilot calm
    air traffic controller
    confident. Cargo in the hold.

    His local intonations laced with faraway

  • by Airea D. Matthews

    “Inherited Divide” is a part of a series of redacted historical texts and photographic palimpsests in conversation with the ideas and the physical text of 18th-century Scottish economist Adam Smith’s …

  • etymology of a blouse

    by Matty Layne Glasgow

    to wear a man out
    a floral top pressed to his skin
    by a silken breeze

    weather brings them closer:
    bees emerge
    from the soft petals of his chest

    to thread each …