
  • Baudelaire’s Paysage (a translation)

    by Daisy Fried

    To compose my sexless eclogues, I will
    Bed down near the sky like the astrologers
    And, neighbor to bell-towers, listen dreamily
    To the somber wind-carried hymns.
    Chin in hand, high …

  • The Baby Monitor

    by Jennifer Givhan

    The neighbor off to the market for bags of salad
    leaves me alone with her baby monitor
    I’ve set on my balcony jagged with wood

    rain-rotted & scarred with yellow …

  • from Holloway Letters

    by Emma Must

    [What She Was In For]

    You learn not to ask ‘What are you in for?’
    but what she was in for was parking on the road
    outside her house to get …

  • What You Call It

    by Nathan McClain

    Not my usual route to the market—past
    the railroad tracks, then past

    Grace Episcopal Church,
    its courtyard empty—no men

    clasping hands as though agreeing,
    finally, to the difficult terms

    of some treaty—so I …

  • My Neighbors in Lincoln, Nebraska

    by Patron Kokou Henekou

    This poem was translated from its original French (included below) by Patron Kokou Henekou and Zócalo Poetry Editor, Connie Voisine. 


    I have neighbors
    at the corner of N 26th & Holdrege:
    the …

  • Antiode for Rescue

    by Leslie Contreras Schwartz

    Inside us runs a map of our cells unmapping
    in small gulps, a finite road with no rescuers.
    I’m waving from that dead-end where the weeds
    wild and lower …

  • Portrait of Icarus as a Country on Fire

    by Jason Schneiderman

    Can we talk about the wax? The way the wax
    would have felt on his skin, slick 
    at the first signs of melting, a spreading
    warmth that felt so good …

  • In The Kitchen

    by Joe Somoza

    So we’re remembering the years
    in San Francisco, the apartment
    on Gough followed by stays
    at two nearby boardinghouses—
    breakfast and supper and a double room
    at the end of …

  • Aspirational Self Portrait on the Color Wheel

    by Patty Seyburn

    Lips, perhaps, in Pyrrole Red (pigment used in automotive finishes):
    my first car, a small Ford built
    to replace (impossible) the Mustang.

    Eyes designed by Guignet of Paris, who patented the …

  • Mexican American Sublime

    by Rodney Gomez

    From space the river is loose thread. Frayed but clearly discernible.

    A wall but not a wall.

    At county, a jailer winds it around his neck. Surrenders to unconditional embrace. …