Time Magazine’s Michael Grunwald

California Gets A Lot Right That Florida Gets Wrong

Miami-based Time magazine senior national correspondent Michael Grunwald is the author of The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era. Before talking about how Barack Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 transformed America, he compared L.A. and Miami, talked about the old Jewish guy who was trapped in the body of his Boston terrier, and revealed a hidden talent for juggling in the Zócalo green room.

Obama Has Finally Hit His Foreign-Policy Stride

James Mann on How the White House Stumbled Its Way To Competence

Like most presidents, Barack Obama took office with minimal foreign-policy experience—and, notes James Mann, author of The Obamians, it showed. But a philosophy did underlie White House policy: a return to …

Was that an FDR-Sized Stimulus?

Obama’s $800 Billion Bill Was Big, But It May Not Have Been a New Deal

Few people know that the federal stimulus legislation of 2009, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was twice as big as the Louisiana Purchase and Marshall Plan …

Well, I Loved the Stimulus

Michael Grunwald Makes the Case For Obama’s Now-Unpopular Recovery Act

“It seems like just about everybody hates the Obama stimulus,” said Time magazine senior national correspondent Michael Grunwald. A year after President Obama signed the $800 billion American Recovery and …

Was My Almost-Neighbor Barry A Honolulu-Indoctrinated Radical?

I Followed in Obama’s Hawaii and Occidental Footsteps. It Felt Pretty American To Me.

I have the same Hawai’i long form birth certificate as President Obama. Mine is four years newer. But it lists my parents’ race as “Korean” just as Obama’s birth certificate …

I Want To Be President. Please Ignore My Résumé.

Why the Candidates of 2012 Can’t Talk About Themselves

On Saturday at his unveiling as the Republican vice presidential candidate, Congressman Paul Ryan had to do what the man heading up the ticket has seemed so reluctant to do: …