Vacation One

When Presidents Pretend to Take a Break

President Obama has decided not to take his usual summer vacation at Martha’s Vineyard this year. He is apparently bowing to political concerns that he would look like a self-indulgent elitist if he went on holiday at a playground for the rich and famous while millions of Americans were suffering economic hardship and high unemployment.

It’s a familiar story.

Presidents have been sensitive about their vacation habits from the start of the republic. They struggle for years to get to the White House and then, once they get there, they seem desperate …

Has Obama Given Up On One America?

A Federalist Approach To Gay Marriage May Be Fashionable. It’s Also Sad.

The main news event of today has clearly been the Supreme Court’s forceful Equal Protection decision in the DOMA case. Many view it as a prelude to a future decision declaring a …

Don’t Leave All the PR Work To Colombian Prostitutes

Latin America Has More Good Reasons Than Ever to Be Noticed—And Taken Seriously

“The only thing that matters in the world is China, Russia and Europe. Latin America doesn’t matter. Consciously. People don’t give one damn about Latin America now.” That was the …

The Vision Thing

President Obama’s Domestic Narrative Contrasts with his Less Coherent Worldview

As President Barack Obama launches his re-election bid, there’s an odd mismatch between Obama on domestic policy and Obama on foreign policy. The president’s domestic agenda is both more modest …

Clearing the Benches

Hyper Partisanship in Washington Decimates Federal Courts

“The benches are empty! The benches are empty!”

Whether you are attending a Tea Party meeting or an Occupy Wall Street protest, you are unlikely to hear that rallying cry. But …

For It Before They Were Against It

Would a Court Ruling Against Healthcare Reform Actually Kill Off Cherished Conservative Ideas?

You would never know it from their denunciations of “Obamacare,” but in the battle over the 2010 healthcare law, conservatives have been fighting against ideas they once approved–and still approve …