Whoa, We Have a Black President

Randall Kennedy Assesses Obama’s Triumphs–and Shortcomings–In Erasing the Color Line

Randall Kennedy, Harvard professor of law and author of The Persistence of the Color Line: Racial Politics and the Obama Presidency, had an assignment: to answer whether or not Obama has been erasing the color line. “By color line,” explained Kennedy, “I mean all of the sentiments, instincts, habits of mind, structures that wrongly stymie people because of race. Is Obama erasing that baleful aspect of political culture?”

In a word, said Kennedy, yes. But there was a caveat: the “Obama way” is to avoiding talking about race at every turn.

According …

Is Obama Black, Bi-racial, or Post-racial?

Five Experts Comment on the Politics of Race

As the son of a black Kenyan and a white American, President Obama is biracial. As a symbol of our times, he’s also called post-racial. On his census form, he …

“Geronimo KIA”

America Exhales, Finally, Upon Hearing the News

That felt good, didn’t it?

There are plenty of reasons – both analytical and moral – to stifle euphoria at the news of Osama bin Laden’s killing. It is unlikely to …

We’re All Birthers Now

Our National Identity Crisis About Personal Identity

President Obama’s release of his birth certificate, to answer unfounded suspicions about his place of birth, was widely described as an extraordinary act. It wasn’t. Unreasonable demands for birth records …

Why Obama Should Root for Republicans

How Presidents Benefit When Their Parties Fall

Should President Obama be rooting for Congressional Republicans this election season? History suggests as much.

Political analysts and consultants like to divine seismic shifts of allegiance every election cycle – “A …